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Breaking Free from the Shackles of an Oppressive Past Relationship: Overcoming Surveillance and More

The end of a toxic or oppressive relationship can mark the beginning of a new and liberating chapter in your life. However, for some, the scars of such a relationship can linger on, hindering personal growth and freedom. In some cases, the oppression might extend beyond the emotional and psychological realm, involving surveillance and other intrusive actions by a former partner. This article explores the steps you can take to free yourself from the shackles of an oppressive past relationship, even when you face issues such as surveillance and other obstacles.

Recognize the Signs of Oppression

Before you can break free from an oppressive past relationship, it's crucial to recognize the signs of oppression. These signs may include controlling behavior, emotional abuse, isolation from friends and family, and invasive surveillance. Surveillance can manifest as stalking, hacking your devices, or any other method of maintaining unwelcome control over your life.

Seek Professional Help

Dealing with the aftermath of an oppressive relationship, especially when it involves surveillance, can be incredibly challenging. It's often beneficial to seek the assistance of a mental health professional or counselor who can help you process your emotions and provide guidance on how to move forward. Additionally, legal experts can advise you on any actions that can be taken to protect your privacy and safety.

Secure Your Online Presence

If surveillance is a concern, you'll want to take steps to secure your online presence. Change your passwords and enable two-factor authentication on all your accounts. Be vigilant about any suspicious activities or unauthorized access to your digital platforms. It may be necessary to consult a cybersecurity expert to ensure your online safety.

Reconnect with Your Support System

One common tactic in oppressive relationships is isolating the victim from their support system. After a breakup, rebuilding these connections can be crucial for healing and personal growth. Reach out to friends and family members you may have distanced yourself from during the relationship. These relationships can be invaluable for emotional support and encouragement.

Legal Action

If your ex-partner is engaging in unlawful surveillance or any form of harassment, it may be necessary to take legal action. Consult with an attorney who specializes in domestic violence or harassment cases to explore your legal options. Obtaining a restraining order or pressing charges can provide you with a sense of security and protection.

Create Boundaries

Setting boundaries is an essential step in freeing yourself from the oppression of a past relationship. Clearly define what behavior is acceptable and unacceptable in your life, and communicate this with those around you. Maintain these boundaries and stand firm against any attempts to breach them.

Embrace Self-Care

Healing and personal growth are integral aspects of breaking free from an oppressive past relationship. Focus on self-care by engaging in activities that make you feel happy and fulfilled. This can include exercise, meditation, therapy, or any hobby that brings you joy.

Stay Safe

Above all, prioritize your safety and well-being. If you feel that your ex-partner poses a direct threat to your physical safety, do not hesitate to reach out to the authorities. You have a right to live free from fear and oppression.


Breaking free from the clutches of an oppressive past relationship is a journey that takes time and effort. When surveillance and other obstacles are part of the equation, the process can be even more challenging. However, by recognizing the signs of oppression, seeking professional help, securing your online presence, reconnecting with your support system, taking legal action if necessary, setting boundaries, embracing self-care, and prioritizing your safety, you can regain control of your life and pave the way for personal growth and freedom. Remember, you deserve a life filled with happiness, love, and security, and you have the strength to make it happen.

The War in Gaza 

Oct. 19, 2023 by Weruche Uzoka

There's an African proverb that states: when two elephants fight, the ground suffers. Sadly, this ‘suffering’ is currently unfolding in the Gaza Strip as calls for investigations into war crimes could be expected. 

We cannot afford another humanitarian crisis with lasting implications. 

Hamas’  attack against Israel, which killed over a thousand innocent civilians, with hostages yet to be released is the worst in history. Likewise, subsequent counterattacks by Israel and an anticipated invasion have now left the entire world reeling. This almost four decades-long claim to the Holy Land by Israelis and Palestinians at the center of the war leaves people wondering when, how, or if this war will end anytime soon. 

What will it take for world leaders like President Biden - lending his support to Israel - to encourage more fruitful negotiations that will finally see an end to this almost century-long crisis? Surely, the loss of more innocent lives with a proposed invasion cannot be the answer, because so far war has not helped. 

It will not help. 

Biden’s presence in the region now links the United States to any further Israeli attacks on innocent civilians in the region. Can we afford that liability? Shouldn’t intensifying diplomatic talks on the ground be the extreme focus

According to UN News, “The United States on Wednesday vetoed a UN Security Council resolution that would have called for “humanitarian pauses” to deliver lifesaving aid to millions in Gaza. The failure by the Council to make its first public intervention on the Israel-Gaza crisis followed the rejection of a Russian-backed draft on Monday evening.”(UN News)

 The war is detrimental to all involved and efforts to support humanitarian aid, while working to put a stop to it must intensify immediately. We cannot afford to have more warring factions spread across the world, constantly requiring assistance and intervention from the U.S. War is better prevented.

In Connecticut, groups have gathered together to support either side.

 Palestinians are the world’s largest refugee group currently spread across the world. When put in perspective, 75 years of displacement with endless failed talks have created a vulnerable region - with children unable to enjoy stability which is their fundamental human right.

 Furthermore, at the root of this brutal vexation are human rights abuses that we can clearly say have now spilled over. 

Since the attack on Oct. 8th. more people have taken sides with Palestinians across the world, with resounding messages ringing across the world: “Free Palestine” and “Not in our name.”

According to the Washington Post, U.S. Capitol police arrested dozens of Jewish-American protestors who gathered yesterday in the rotunda of a building at the Capitol Hill, demanding Congress pass a cease-fire:

“The arrests occurred after demonstrators, including American Jews and allies worried about Palestinians in Gaza, rallied on the National Mall. Protesters held a banner with red writing that said “Our blood is the same color,” waved Palestinian flags, and raised posters that read “My grief is not your weapon,” “Never again for anyone,” and “Zionism is racism.” …“We are here to say, ‘Not in our name,’” Jay Saper said. “We are here as Jews — many descendants of survivors of genocide — to stop a genocide from unfolding in real-time.” - Washington Post

Again, we cannot allow another crisis to deteriorate further. More efforts are needed to find solutions to this.

An invasion of the Gaza area is potentially catastrophic to more vulnerable groups, which causes more people to reject the genocide happening in Gaza, as not being anti-Israel, but instead as simply being pro-humanity.

It is important that the United States, the United Nations, and other well-meaning countries and organizations come together to put an end to the situation in Gaza, as soon as possible.

Moving On After the End of a Relationship: Embracing Healing and Growth

Weruche George | Aug. 24, 2023

The end of a relationship, whether it is a romantic partnership or a deep friendship, can be an emotionally tumultuous experience. It's a time when you're not only coping with the loss of companionship but also navigating the complex process of letting go of shared dreams and memories. In such times, it's crucial to recognize that moving on is not only okay but often necessary for your personal well-being. However, it's unfortunate that societal pressures and guilt trips from others can make this journey even more challenging. Let's delve into why it's perfectly acceptable to move on after the end of a relationship and how to handle those guilt trips with grace.

**Embracing the Need for Moving On:**

When a relationship reaches its conclusion, it's important to understand that the decision to move on is a natural part of the healing process. Just as people evolve and grow throughout life, relationships can follow a similar trajectory. While endings can be painful, they also mark opportunities for new beginnings and personal growth.

1. **Self-Preservation:** The aftermath of a relationship's end can be emotionally exhausting. Moving on allows you to focus on your mental and emotional well-being. It enables you to channel your energy towards healing and self-care, which are crucial steps in rebuilding your sense of self.

2. **New Opportunities:** Every ending marks a chance for a new beginning. Moving on opens doors to new experiences, connections, and opportunities that you might not have encountered otherwise. It's an opportunity to discover aspects of life you may have neglected while in the relationship.

3. **Personal Growth:** Relationships teach us valuable lessons about ourselves and what we seek in companionship. Moving on grants you the space to reflect on those lessons, make positive changes, and evolve as an individual.

**Navigating Guilt Trips:**

While the decision to move on is undeniably personal, it's unfortunate that people might attempt to guilt trip you for choosing to do so. Here's how to handle such situations:

1. **Validate Your Feelings:** Understand that your feelings and decisions are valid. You have the right to prioritize your own well-being and happiness. Acknowledge that guilt trips from others might stem from their own insecurities or difficulties in letting go.

2. **Set Boundaries:** Politely and firmly communicate your boundaries. Let others know that while you appreciate their concern, your decision is final and made with your best interests at heart. It's essential to establish and maintain healthy boundaries as you navigate this transition.

3. **Focus on Empathy:** While you may feel hurt by guilt trips, try to empathize with the other person's perspective. They might be struggling to come to terms with the change and expressing it in an unproductive way. Responding with understanding can help diffuse tension.

4. **Surround Yourself with Support:** Lean on friends, family, or a support network who genuinely care about your well-being. Their encouragement and empathy can help counteract the negative effects of guilt trips.

5. **Stay True to Your Path:** Ultimately, the decision to move on is yours alone. Trust yourself and your instincts. Remember that your journey toward healing and growth is unique, and only you can determine the best path forward.

In conclusion, moving on after the end of a relationship is a personal choice that should be respected and embraced. It's an opportunity for healing, growth, and new beginnings. While guilt trips from others can be hurtful, understanding your worth and prioritizing your well-being will empower you to navigate this transition with strength and grace. Remember that your journey is about finding your happiness, and that's always something worth pursuing.

Surviving and Thriving as a Neurodivergent Multitalent in a Neurotypical World 

Weruche George | Aug. 19, 2023

Living as a neurodivergent individual in a neurotypical society can present unique challenges, but it's essential to remember that your diversity of skills, abilities, and interests is a valuable asset. Embracing who you are and developing strategies to navigate the world around you can lead to not only survival but also a fulfilling life. Here are some key strategies to help you thrive as a neurodivergent person with a plethora of skills, abilities, and interests.

**1. Embrace Your Neurodiversity:**

The first step in thriving as a neurodivergent individual is embracing your unique cognitive wiring. Your diverse range of skills and interests is a testament to the richness of human experience. Recognize that your brain functions differently, and that's okay. By accepting yourself, you set the foundation for building confidence and resilience.

**2. Identify Your Strengths:**

Neurodivergent individuals often possess exceptional talents and skills. Identify your strengths and passions – these can be your superpowers. Whether it's a keen eye for detail, exceptional problem-solving abilities, creativity, or a knack for understanding patterns, focus on what you excel at.

**3. Set Realistic Goals:**

Set goals that align with your strengths and interests. Break them down into manageable steps to avoid feeling overwhelmed. This approach allows you to leverage your skills and abilities effectively while also considering any challenges you may face due to your neurodiversity.

**4. Practice Self-Care:**

Living in a neurotypical society can be overwhelming at times. Incorporate self-care practices into your routine to recharge and maintain your well-being. This might include mindfulness exercises, hobbies that bring you joy, regular physical activity, and maintaining a balanced diet.

**5. Communication is Key:**

Open communication with those around you is crucial. Educate your friends, family, and colleagues about your neurodiversity, your skills, and your needs. This helps foster understanding and can lead to better interactions and accommodations when necessary.

**6. Seek Support:**

Connect with neurodivergent communities and support groups both online and offline. Sharing experiences with others who understand your perspective can provide a sense of belonging and help you learn from their coping strategies.

**7. Advocate for Yourself:**

Advocacy is a powerful tool for creating change. If you require accommodations in certain situations, don't hesitate to ask for them. Whether it's in the workplace, education, or social settings, advocating for your needs ensures that you can fully participate and contribute.

**8. Develop Coping Strategies:**

Neurodivergent individuals often encounter sensory sensitivities, social challenges, and executive function difficulties. Developing coping strategies tailored to your needs can help you manage these challenges more effectively. This might involve sensory tools, communication scripts, or time-management techniques.

**9. Pursue Diverse Interests:**

Don't be afraid to explore your wide range of interests. While neurotypical society might emphasize specialization, your ability to excel in various areas is an asset. Pursuing diverse interests can lead to unique insights and innovative perspectives.

**10. Focus on Progress, Not Perfection:**

Remember that nobody is perfect, and that includes neurotypical individuals as well. Strive for progress rather than perfection. Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small they may seem, and acknowledge the efforts you put into your personal and professional growth.

Thriving as a neurodivergent individual with multiple skills, abilities, and interests in a neurotypical society is a journey that requires self-compassion, determination, and a willingness to embrace your unique self. By recognizing your strengths, advocating for your needs, and fostering connections with supportive communities, you can not only survive but truly flourish, contributing your exceptional talents to the diverse tapestry of the world around you.

women's rights in Afghanistan: a 2-year check-in.

Weruche George | Aug. 15, 2023

Our Collective Duty in Afghanistan is one of attention and activism.


Two years ago, exactly women’s rights were challenged in Afghanistan yet again.

 Afghanistan, a country with a rich history and complex political landscape, is home to resilient and vibrant women who have faced numerous challenges throughout the years. Amidst ongoing conflicts and security concerns, Afghan women persist in their fight for gender equality, access to education, health care, and political representation. In this article, we shed light on the issues facing Afghan women today and explore the importance of empowering them to create a brighter future.

1. Limited Access to Education: Breaking Barriers for Learning

Access to education remains a significant challenge for Afghan women due to factors including cultural barriers, insecurity, and poverty. Though progress has been made over the past two decades, with more girls attending school, the situation remains fragile. Conservative traditions and extremist groups oppose girls' education, leading to devastating consequences such as attacks on schools and targeted violence against female students and teachers. To unlock the full potential of Afghan society, a comprehensive approach integrating community engagement and targeted investments in education infrastructure is vital.

2. Gender-Based Violence: Addressing a Grave Human Rights Concern

Gender-based violence persists as a deeply-rooted problem in Afghan society. Many women face domestic violence, forced early marriages, and honor killings. Despite various legal measures, including the Elimination of Violence Against Women (EVAW) law, enforcement and implementation remain challenging due to insufficient resources, cultural resistance, and weak institutions. Many women fear reporting instances of violence due to social stigma and a lack of trust in law enforcement. Working towards an effective response to gender-based violence must involve community engagement, awareness programs, and support services for survivors.

3. Political Empowerment: Inclusive Decision-Making Processes

Afghanistan has taken steps forward in promoting women's political representation and participation. Despite constitutionally mandated quotas for female representation in parliament, women face systemic barriers and discrimination when running for office. Ongoing peace negotiations present an opportunity to safeguard and strengthen women's involvement in political processes to ensure their inclusion and protect the hard-earned gains made over the past two decades.

4. Healthcare and Maternal Mortality: Securing Access to Life-Saving Services

Afghan women face significant challenges in accessing quality healthcare services. Maternal mortality rates remain alarming due to a lack of accessible and equitable healthcare infrastructure, limited awareness, cultural barriers, and poverty. Pregnant women often encounter difficulties accessing skilled birth attendants or essential healthcare during pregnancy, leading to preventable deaths. Improving healthcare infrastructure, increasing awareness, and removing financial barriers are critical steps towards preventing unnecessary maternal mortality.

Afghan women have demonstrated remarkable resilience in the face of numerous challenges, fighting for their rights, and spearheading progress in various sectors. Achieving gender equality and addressing the issues women face in Afghanistan necessitates a multi-faceted approach. This includes empowering women through education, strengthening legal frameworks to combat gender-based violence, fostering political participation, and prioritizing access to healthcare. Only by actively engaging diverse stakeholders, including communities, government, civil society, and international partners, can Afghanistan pave the way for a more equitable and prosperous future, where Afghan women can thrive and contribute to society with their full potential.

Self-Love: The Antidote to Navigating Divorce/loss

Weruche George | Aug. 14, 2023

Healing, moving on, re-building

Divorce and loss are among the most challenging experiences a person can face, often leaving emotional scars that run deep. The journey through these difficult times can be filled with pain, confusion, and a sense of emptiness. However, amidst the turmoil, there exists a powerful remedy: self-love. Embracing self-love can serve as a guiding light, helping individuals navigate the complex emotions and transitions that come with divorce and loss. In this article, we explore how cultivating self-love can be the antidote to healing and moving forward.

The Healing Power of Self-Love

When faced with divorce or loss, it's natural to experience a rollercoaster of emotions ranging from grief and anger to self-doubt and loneliness. Amidst this emotional turbulence, self-love stands as a beacon of hope, offering a path towards healing and renewal. Self-love encourages individuals to be kind and compassionate to themselves, just as they would be to a friend in need. By acknowledging and accepting their emotions, individuals can start the healing process and gradually rebuild their lives.

Embracing Imperfection

Self-love entails embracing one's imperfections and recognizing that they do not define one's worth. In the midst of divorce or loss, it's common to internalize negative feelings or blame oneself for the situation. However, practicing self-love involves letting go of self-judgment and understanding that everyone makes mistakes and faces challenges. It's a process of learning to forgive oneself and moving forward with self-compassion.

Reconnecting with Identity

Divorce and loss can often leave individuals feeling disconnected from their sense of self. In these times, practicing self-love involves a journey of rediscovery. By engaging in activities that bring joy, reconnecting with hobbies, and nurturing personal interests, individuals can rebuild a sense of identity that is separate from their past relationships or experiences. This process of self-exploration contributes to regaining confidence and a stronger sense of self.

Setting Healthy Boundaries

One of the cornerstones of self-love is the ability to set and maintain healthy boundaries. When navigating divorce or loss, it's important to establish boundaries that protect emotional well-being. This might involve limiting contact with individuals who contribute to negativity or creating space for self-reflection. By prioritizing emotional health and respecting personal boundaries, individuals can create a supportive environment for their healing journey.

Empowerment Through Self-Care

Self-care is a tangible expression of self-love, and it plays a crucial role in recovering from the aftermath of divorce or loss. Engaging in activities that nurture physical, emotional, and mental well-being can provide a sense of empowerment and control over one's life. Whether it's practicing mindfulness, engaging in regular exercise, or pursuing creative outlets, self-care reinforces the message that one's well-being matters.

Looking Forward with Self-Love

Divorce or loss often marks the end of a chapter, but it also signifies the opportunity for a new beginning. By cultivating self-love, individuals can approach the future with a sense of optimism and resilience. Acknowledging the lessons learned from past experiences and focusing on personal growth can pave the way for a brighter and more fulfilling future.


Divorce and loss are undoubtedly challenging life events, but they also offer a unique opportunity for profound personal growth and transformation. Self-love serves as the antidote to the emotional pain and confusion that accompany these experiences. Through self-compassion, embracing imperfections, reconnecting with one's identity, setting healthy boundaries, and practicing self-care, individuals can navigate the healing journey with strength and grace. By choosing self-love as the guiding principle, individuals can not only overcome the challenges of divorce and loss but also emerge from these experiences stronger, more resilient, and more capable of embracing a new chapter of their lives.

the detrimental impact of color blindness 

Weruche George | JULY 06, 2023

Color blindness, or more specifically, racial color blindness, refers to the ideology that promotes ignoring or downplaying the significance of race in social and policy contexts. While it may sound like an ideal approach to foster equality and unity, it can have detrimental effects on African Americans, particularly when it comes to policies concerning education.

Historically, African Americans have faced systemic discrimination and inequities in the American education system. Policies such as racial segregation, unequal funding, and biased standardized testing have contributed to persistent achievement gaps and limited opportunities for African American students. Acknowledging and addressing these disparities requires an understanding of the historical context and the unique challenges faced by marginalized communities.

Color blindness, however, tends to overlook these historical and ongoing racial disparities. By adopting a color-blind approach to education policy, decision-makers may inadvertently perpetuate existing inequalities. When policymakers refuse to recognize the racial dynamics at play and insist on treating everyone as if they are on an equal playing field, they fail to account for the structural barriers that hinder the progress of African American students.

Education policies that are blind to race often neglect to consider the specific needs and experiences of African American students. For example, policies that advocate for standardized testing as the primary measure of student achievement can disproportionately disadvantage African American students. These tests often reflect cultural biases, and the resources available to prepare for them are not distributed equally. By relying solely on such measures, color-blind policies ignore the unique challenges that African American students face, such as limited access to quality education, lack of resources, and the effects of racial bias in classrooms.

Moreover, color-blind policies can contribute to the erasure of African American history and culture from the curriculum. By emphasizing a "one-size-fits-all" approach to education, these policies overlook the importance of inclusive and diverse perspectives. African American students benefit from learning about their history and contributions, as well as those of other marginalized communities. Without a comprehensive and culturally sensitive curriculum, color-blind policies perpetuate a system that marginalizes African American students and reinforces existing power imbalances.

It is crucial to recognize that achieving equality in education requires acknowledging and addressing the racial disparities that persist. A more effective approach involves implementing policies that explicitly aim to close the achievement gap and promote equity. This includes targeted resources and support for schools and communities with high proportions of African American students, culturally responsive teaching practices, and diverse and inclusive curricula that reflect the experiences and contributions of all students.

In conclusion, while the concept of color blindness may seem well-intentioned, it can be detrimental to African Americans in the context of education policy. By ignoring the historical and ongoing racial disparities, color-blind policies fail to address the unique challenges faced by African American students and perpetuate inequality. To truly achieve educational equity, it is essential to adopt policies that acknowledge and actively work to rectify these disparities, promoting inclusive and culturally sensitive approaches that empower African American students.

Securing Your Right to Build an Empire and Legacy Safely After Divorce or Separation 

JUNE 15, 2023

Navigating the Path of Self-Love and Privacy

Divorce or separation can be emotionally tumultuous experiences, marking the end of one chapter and the beginning of another. Amidst the legal complexities and emotional challenges, individuals often find themselves grappling not only with the intricacies of separation but also with concerns about their personal legacy and privacy. The journey to building a new empire and securing one's legacy safely, away from prying eyes and potential harm, is an endeavor that necessitates self-love, strategic planning, and a keen understanding of the importance of personal boundaries.

**The Right to Move On and Build Anew:**

After the dust settles on a divorce or separation, individuals have every right to reclaim their lives, envision new dreams, and aspire to build their own empires, whether those empires are personal, professional, or a combination of both. The desire to create a life filled with success, happiness, and fulfillment is a basic human instinct. However, as they strive for this, it's imperative to recognize that these aspirations can be hampered by intrusive ex-partners, in-laws, and the public eye.

**The Importance of Self-Love:**

The foundation of this journey lies in cultivating self-love. Before embarking on any new venture, it's crucial to heal from the emotional wounds of the past and nurture a positive relationship with oneself. Self-love not only fuels personal growth but also acts as a shield against any attempts to damage one's reputation or legacy. When individuals are secure in their self-worth, they are less likely to be affected by negative comments or smear campaigns.

**Protecting Privacy and Reputation:**

In the age of social media and instant information sharing, maintaining privacy has become more challenging than ever. When divorcing or separating, it's essential to evaluate what aspects of one's life should remain private and separate from public scrutiny. Establishing healthy boundaries with ex-partners, in-laws, and even well-meaning friends can help prevent unwanted interference in one's pursuit of a new beginning.

Legally, various steps can be taken to protect privacy. Consulting legal experts to craft confidentiality agreements, non-disparagement clauses, and clear guidelines regarding the dissemination of personal information can help safeguard against malicious intentions. Additionally, social media settings and online presence should be scrutinized to ensure that personal information is not being exploited.

**Crafting A New Legacy:**

The idea of leaving a lasting legacy often ties into the desire to be remembered for one's accomplishments, values, and contributions. After a divorce or separation, individuals might feel the need to redefine their legacy and ensure it reflects their newfound path. This can involve focusing on personal achievements, professional success, community involvement, or even philanthropic endeavors.

**Seeking Support:**

It's important to remember that embarking on this journey does not mean going it alone. Seeking support from friends, family, mentors, or even professional counselors can provide invaluable guidance and emotional sustenance. Establishing a network of people who genuinely care for one's well-being can make a significant difference in facing challenges and celebrating triumphs.

In conclusion, the path to building a new empire and securing a legacy safely after divorce or separation is a complex but rewarding journey. It requires a combination of self-love, strategic planning, and the establishment of boundaries to protect against invasive elements from the past. By focusing on personal growth, fostering healthy relationships, and crafting a new narrative, individuals can navigate this transitional phase with grace and resilience. In the end, the pursuit of self-love, privacy, and a positive legacy will pave the way for a brighter future.

Lead from your heart!

Weruché | April 13, 2023

When you lead from your heart, there are more RIGHT ways to proceed with your tasks or to attain your life's purpose, than not. What appears zig-zag and confusing could very well be your soul mapping its reach, in advance. What the mind believes to be unimportant might very well be what the soul adores. 

Therefore, it becomes important to seek 'joy' first and then allow your soul to do the rest because your soul knows... 



Weruché | FEB. 13, 2023

There are things we might never understand, like synchronicities and crossing paths with people who share our experiences, feel our pain, and SEE as we do - no matter how far removed from our reality they are. We must remember, in those times, to give thanks for it all because our seeming resemblance is the universe's way of reminding us that we are ONE. 


Weruche george | DEC 25, 2019

At 6:00 am on Christmas morning, I woke up to a very quiet house. Then I looked outside the window and saw this magnificent view in my front yard!

Read more


Weruche george | NOV 1, 2019

I recently began a new venture, something I didn’t think I would ever find joy in doing. Something that challenged my understanding of what fulfillment is, or where it comes from, for that matter. Somewhere in there was a deep lesson that I needed to learn, hence the necessity of said discovery that has turned into bliss.

 The lesson was believing in myself.

 We’ve been taught to give all of our power away and then wait for some higher authority, something, or someone we all believe to be better than us, to slowly hand our power back to us, bit by bit. The transfer of power back to us is the point where our value is perceived to increase. We long for the acknowledgment, the token, the gift, the wage that appears to come from the outside — forgetting that sheer will, which exists on the inside, is more powerful.

 In time, we lose the ability to draw from the endless well within and continuously seek outside fulfillment and honor to validate us, even when there are more than enough fruits of past victories from which we can draw strength. Instead, we squirm at the thought that WE are indeed powerful enough to get the work done.

 Society has taught us to believe in the power of others, and not to believe in ourselves. The danger of this is that it erodes our ability to create new things, if at all, and to watch our creation blossom. Of course, we give into fear and wait around for someone else to see beauty in what we already know is beautiful, or else it dies and withers away into nothingness. We wait silently for the applause that says we are good enough, or else our expression dies.

 The art form beholden by our higher consciousness, set to show our connection to an infinite Source of creativity, is allowed for just a moment into existence, birthed by an external need: the facile acknowledgment of others.

 Yet, when we look around, we see little underdeveloped forms of our past thoughts and creations dancing off the backs of others, daring to smile at the sun. Our regret? The hope that a higher authority will come and save us and help us begin to see value in our work, which is akin to looking in the mirror, only to realize one day that the beautiful reflection you thought belonged to someone else is yours!

The process of knowing that what you have birthed in your mind’s eye, or your physical world, is valuable rests in your ability to truly believe in yourself. The knowledge that you too have endless access to a creative Source, and that your sheer will to bring into existence what YOU call beautiful, is all that is needed to release what is considered beautiful into the world.

 You need not wait for the world to see your expression as beautiful. You believing that is enough!


Snow on the mountaintop, in the middle of summer!


Weruche george | OCT 17, 2019

Recently, while discussing the recent plan to evacuate U.S. troops from Syria a good friend asked why I hold very strong views and I responded: “…maybe because of how very closely I view said situation, from MY lens.”

In July 2011, my kids and I visited Lebanon. It seemed like a very casual trip to Beirut at the time, to see family and friends, but the Syrian war had just begun a few months before. (We would visit cities like Jeita, Tripoli, Saida, Tyre, and Byblos known locally as Jbeil and Qana- where Lebanese believe is the original birthplace of Jesus.)

As a tourist, I awaited a signifier to highlight the Sunni-populated parts of Lebanon versus the Shia areas. For many years, these religious groups had occupied different regions of Lebanon and quite unlike what I had imagined – the long-standing feud between these Muslim sects was not immediately apparent. I saw nothing but everyday people going about their daily business. Hence days later, I imagined a similar experience while visiting the temple ruins in Baalbek. We had looked upon this exciting part of our trip to visit a World Heritage Center, but I was immediately struck by the reality of the war that had begun in January of that year. I encountered a few refugees in Bekaa Valley, beginning the migration from Syria into Lebanon —possibly leaving behind a once secure existence, and trading that for uncertainty and in some cases, death. Today, this war continues and has caused a record number of people to remain displaced.

 According to the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR), over 5.6 million people have left their homes, “…seeking safety in Lebanon, Turkey, Jordan and beyond,” with 6.6 million people internally displaced. Sadly, this number has continued to grow daily. The Bekaa Valley —where I once took photos of the picturesque, mountainous view of the area and even made friends with a Syrian nut-seller— is today inundated with makeshift camps, where refugees continue to seek shelter from the war. Some see the announcement of the withdrawal of U.S. troops from the region as a plan that potentially weakens northern Syria. More civilians in the area are vulnerable to further attacks from the Jihadist terrorist organization- the Islamic State (ISIS) as well as the Syrian Armed Forces and they argue that the U.S. is morally obligated to remain in the region.

 In 2014, Former U.S. President Barack Obama– in keeping with Article 51 of the U.N. Charter allowed military action, and worked in alliance with the Kurdish Forces to keep the peace in the region, until the announcement last week by the current U.S. President Donald Trump who states: “We want to bring our troops back home and I got elected on that. I fully understand both sides but I promised to bring our troops home. [The U.S. military] is not a police force.” Hence his decision to withdraw troops. Consequently, mass killings have escalated in the region and days ago, Hevrin Khalaf— a Kurdish-Syrian politician, was killed.

 When the Syrian Civilian war began in 2011, Syrian President Bashar al-Hassad was challenged by pro-democracy protestors, who called for their civil rights to be upheld and a change in the democratic system. Sadly, the Kurds who have accused President Al-Hassad of a significant infringement of their human rights, are left under attack as the Turkish military still launch attacks in northeastern Syria to move them further away from the border of Turkey.

No, from my lens, even as a mere tourist, I don't view the war casually. I wonder about the state of affairs and the millions of terrified, displaced Syrians whose lives have been disrupted for almost a decade. How do they go about rebuilding their lives?


Weruche george | AUG 7, 2019

I was talking to my teenage daughter the other day about “a mother’s fear” — that debilitating feeling we experience when our children go through things that are out of our control: heartbreak, disease, life choices, and so on.

 But on that day, sadly, my focus on “a mother’s fear” transcended the obvious. It was focused instead on the epidemic in the United States and what we now have to continue to document as “domestic terrorism.”

Then, another mass murderer, unleashed on innocent people again, within hours. What is there for a mother not to fear?

 I remember my exact location on Dec. 14, 2012, when innocent lives were snatched from us in Sandy Hook Elementary School. I was at home that Friday, in Hamden, and my two children were less than three miles away in school, at Church Street Elementary.

The phone calls began with messages from their school that there was a lockdown because there was an active shooter situation in Newtown. I panicked, got in my car, and rushed to the school.

 As a mother, my greatest fear was being realized — even though not for me directly, but for other mothers like me, for other parents who had kissed their children goodbye that morning only to receive that chilling phone call. I watched as other parents gathered to pick up their terrified and confused children, who had so many questions.

 I lived through that and so many other shootings in America. Now, in Dayton, Ohio? In El Paso, Texas? The previous weekend in Gilroy, Calif.? This is the 250th mass shooting in 2019 that did not have to happen. Will this ever end?

 As a mother who became an American citizen six years ago, I worry that when career politicians speak about gun control, the issue has simply become too rhetorical, lacking any sense of immediacy. An issue this grave requires immediate action in Congress, not repetitive words. There is an urgency required in making gun safety legislation, and simply praying or holding thoughts about it does not change it. Action is required and required now to prevent yet another parent, brother, or sister from losing their loved ones to this epidemic.

U.S. Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., who filibustered in the United States Senate in 2016, said it best: “I can’t tell you how hard it is to look into the eyes of the families of those little boys and girls who were killed in Sandy Hook and tell them that almost four years later, we have done nothing — nothing at all — to reduce the likelihood that that will happen again to another family … This isn’t new to me, but I am at my wit’s end. I have had enough. I have had enough of the ongoing slaughter of innocents, and I have had enough of inaction in this body."

Sadly, with not much change from Congress today, we are worried about going to church, festivals, school, the mall, and so many other places that once felt safe, because we fear a shooter will find us and kill us.

 We are still hoping our leaders will cease grappling with practical measures to put an end to gun violence in America. Popular internet searches today include: “Shooting today,” “shootings this week,” and “Mass shootings in 2019.”

And a mother’s fear continues to grow, with no hope of change in sight. How difficult is it to see the harm caused by assault rifles and loose gun laws? Where do we draw the line in society when mass murders become the news we wake up to each day? What values do we pass on to the next generation when each day leaves questions about what our priorities are as a collective? When is enough actually enough?

 When does a mother stop being afraid?

* This article also appeared in the Hartford Courant on August 7, 2019


Weruche george | JUL 30, 2019

HAMDEN, Conn. — When I attended the Nobel Peace Conference in Poland years ago and was the only black person in my group — listening to human rights activists talk about the degradation and gross human rights abuses taking place in Africa especially — I questioned my place there. Who am I to get in the ring and peer from the "other" perspective; the removed lens; the lens that seeks to "change" the ills of society, but can only imagine what those ills are? 

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Weruche george | APR 13, 2018

A Higher Loyalty- Truth, Lies, And Leadership, written by fired FBI Director James Comey, is number one on my reading list for this summer- making it on my 'books worth reading' list for 2018.

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Weruche george | MAR 30, 2018

There has been an inevitable revolution coming with the resurgence of political movements: #GunReform

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Weruche george | FEB 17, 2018

For so long, with the colonization of various regions and territories—both physically and mentally— came the celebration and/ or preference for the lighter type of dark skin. In Nigeria, America and around the world, 

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Weruche george | JAN 28, 2018

Each year my birthday finds me at an interestingly, different place from the year before: new ideas, new projects, new education and career goals and definitely new ways of being ‘me’ abound. A few days ago, I got to start another precious cycle and hopefully, have ushered in more growth and wisdom. It was particularly important on this special day to honor that young girl who came to remember and experience life— and who has learned to do it her way. For this reason, I took time to reassess my values,

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Weruche george | NOV 23, 2017

The past 12 years have been my most transformative- moving to a new country, raising my two kids, and continuing each day on a journey of self-discovery armed with grit, courage, and my belief in an unseen, all-knowing power— a force that has somehow always shown up at very critical moments, and helped me continue on this path. Of course, on this said path, there have been different possible routes, yet somehow each path I have taken has felt like it was designed especially for me. Even with the endless unanswered questions that still abound, every place or decision has felt serendipitous—to the point now where I am learning to train my mind to not worry, or fret about even a single thing since the evidence I have gathered proves that all will be okay in due time.



So, it is from this place that I find eternal gratitude today and always, knowing that my path has been so set by the Universe and that every juncture is laced with goodies, also known as lessons that serve to "grow” my soul. 

The voice within says to simply: “Enjoy the ride” and to be myself, with no attachments to worldly outcomes or interpretations of what success is, to lead from my heart and to continue this journey with child-like wonder, stopping to smell each and every rose on the way. 

I have been instructed to experience joy from the little things, as well as the big things— and I intend to do just that— and I hope you do too.

Have a happy holiday! 

Happy Thanksgiving!

Namaste. God's Blessings,


What I have Learned

Weruche George | JAN 13, 2017

"Who you are is not by accident. Every step intentionally or unintentionally brought you to this place and time. Honor YOUR steps by being authentic and walking your truth." ~W

A lot of the things I've experienced in my life were not things I chose. In fact, many times I thought myself unlucky to have gone through them.

 But I was wrong.

Every step brought me to the person I am today —the good & the bad–AND listening to my intuition helped guide me. 

That still, small voice that speaks to me constantly, guided me to the right circumstances for my life and my purpose. Sometimes, it pulled me away from people or places that no longer served my highest good. Quietly, it asked me to LISTEN.

I learned to listen late, sometimes. I was distracted by 'noise' and filled my time with exciting ideas, that provided instant gratification, yet lacked divine instruction. 

I lost sight of what the voice called me to focus on.

I followed my ego.

However, I have learned: to go far, you have to go quietly and sometimes alone. Remember though, that you ARE NOT alone. Tune in to the inner guidance that assures the journey. Do not fill up your time merely engaging superficially to stroke your ego. LISTEN to the direction your higher self communicates to you and trust YOUR journey.

When you've been called to fulfill a purpose, honor it by meditating on the right direction to go. Listen to what the voice tells you and act on it.

To fulfill your purpose, be like the MASTERS. Create deliberately and away from distractions. Do not FEED your ego by creating to impress. Honor the work you have been called to do by submitting it away from the crowd. Use wisdom to follow God's directions for your life. 

Admittedly, sometimes working behind the scenes seems less gratifying because it lacks flamboyance, but do so anyway.

So, in my first blog post of 2017, I commit to life projects that are much bigger than myself, that test my dedication by requiring me to go deliberately and quietly, far, far away from the place where my ego and need for validation reside.

I turn within to seek the quiet guidance of the still, small, voice as I go where I never dreamed I would. Until now.

And as I commit to an amazing year (my best year yet!) I affirm, through Love and Light:

"I am allowing Divine synchronicity to step forward!"

"I am trusting Divine blessings to guide my way!"


 Live each moment as though it’s your very last.

Tell your children how much they mean to you ALWAYS.

Show LOVE to the people in your life.

Lose the battle of the ‘Ego.’


Hug often

show someone that you ‘see’ them on their journey.

Lose the desire to be perfect and just take life easy.

Be grateful for all the LOVE and abundance that surround you.

Say ‘thank you’ ALWAYS

Smile more. Laugh HARD ALWAYS.

Be more playful

Be more prayerful

Because after all said and done, when we have to depart this plane of existence for the next, our legacy is all that matters


To My Black Brethren

Weruche george | JULY 13, 2016

“Hating people because of their color is wrong. And it doesn't matter which color does the hating. It's just plain wrong.” 

Muhammad Ali 

What's Your Plan For the New Year?

Weruche George | Nov. 3, 2015

As the year slowly comes to an end, have you thought about your plans for the New Year?

I asked myself this same question while making breakfast for the kids this morning, and realized the reason why. This New Year will bring me into the last year of another decade of my life, and it has become increasingly important that I take stock.

 For me, I have reached an age where I now give myself a pat on the back or a reprimand for doing certain things right or by my standards, wrong. My reflections are typically about: what did I know to do right but failed to? What can I improve on? How can I love myself more? etc. And this brings me to my topic of self-love!

 You see, the reason I talk a lot about ‘loving one’s self’ in many of my blog posts is that it is the one determinant of many of your perceived happy future outcomes. Your joy, peace, and happiness all stem from how much love you have for yourself, and how that love motivates you to accept or reject the things others offer or give to you.  Very simple.

As Deepak Chopra said: "Everything we fear in the world and want to change can be transformed through happiness." And this particular kind of happiness to me can be found first and foremost within one's self.

Simply put: love for self is what guarantees that your plans in the New Year will be note-worthy.

So, as my plans and resolutions for the New Year and the ‘new me’ continue to take shape and become clearer, I have decided to continue on this path of getting to find 'happiness,' and to teach my kids the same!

Enjoy the new week.



When you Love Someone...

Weruche George | Sept. 12, 2015 willing to love them just the way they are. 

Allow them room to grow, 

and freedom to be who they were born to be. 

Resist the urge to control,

and the one you love

will love you back


will ALWAYS be there.

Create your own happiness!

weruche george | March 24, 2015

How can you create your own happiness? By deciding what's important to you and going for it with gusto! 

A few years ago when I decided to make a change in my life something inside me knew it was the right thing to do. Even though I got a lot of advice from different people about how I should not proceed with that course of action, I knew it was the right thing for me and so I listened to my gut.

You have to know that ONLY YOU can determine your happiness. Only you CAN create it.

Now that being said, there's no guarantee that the path you choose to finding YOUR happiness will be easy. It might not be conventional and believe me, it might even challenge the "status quo," BUT as long as you know in your heart it is something that's borne out of a need to create YOUR own happiness, then by all means own it.

I have also learned that justifying your actions so that others will be accepting of your choices is fool-hardy, so don't do it.

Over the years, here are 5 simple practices I have used to create my own happiness:

It is your life-long duty to self-preserve.  So create your own happiness, and please make a habit of doing it!


Hamden- Charles Gibson former ABC News anchor chose a good time to give his keynote lecture at Quinnipiac University in Hamden. The former host of Good Morning America and anchor of World News spoke at Quinnipiac University’s Burt Kahn Court, on Thursday, September 20 about the “(Im) Balance of Power in Washington: How things went off the rails and how they can be fixed.” His speech came at a time when most Americans were actively identifying themselves with either one of the two political parties in America, at about six weeks to the presidential elections on November 6.

“ Polarization pervades the congress,” Gibson said.

 He spoke to the audience about social and structural factors, which are responsible for deepening the division in Washington. According to him, Republicans have taken obstructionism to a new level and he went on to point out the comments of a few Republican politicians. He also said that the way to get elected in a heavily partisan area is to run more to the side of the party that the area favors. 

“Voter turnout in congressional primaries and even presidential primaries is historically low,” he said, “leaving extreme partisans as the ones most likely to vote.”

He blames networks for having different channels that disseminate only news that reinforce the views and positions of its viewers, leaving them to be even more partisan. He told audience members that these days, networks serve the interests of their members and do very little to represent the republic. He referred to the time when he covered the House of Representatives for ABC for seven years, as his happiest at the network.

 Gibson also blames the lack of socialization in Washington as being part of the reason parties are heavily polarized. According to him, it becomes harder to vilify an opponent from the other party in a debate when people spend time together or see themselves around town.

“ I think fixing this problem is far more important than who gets elected in seven weeks,” Gibson said, “ for whoever wins the White House in November is going to take the oath of office and face an uncooperative, bitterly partisan, and divisive Congress.”

In Gibson’s opinion, President Barack Obama will win the presidential ticket again because of the number of electoral votes he won in the last election, and because the polls, including the Quinnipiac polls, show a significant lead for President Obama, over his Republican opponent, Mitt Romney. 

“ The Republican party has done Romney no favors by forcing him so far to the right that he may not be able to scramble by November 6,” Gibson said.

 He made a joke about being inaccessible and away in Matapica, on election night should his predictions for who will win the presidential elections prove to be wrong.

“ You can try, but you won’t be able to reach me,” he said, while some members of the audience chuckled.

 Gibson gave audience members his thoughts about, “the elemental quality in a person’s make-up, that is necessary for them to lead a good and satisfactory life.”

He referred to a recent scandal at Harvard University, where 125 students were caught cheating because they wanted to pass exams.

“Harvard is investigating and Harvard is a most opaque institution,” he said. “ But if that number is anywhere near correct, it bespeaks to me a real cultural problem at that institution and maybe even in our society, in general.”

He tells the audience that if a person can get into Harvard, an Ivy League institution, which is a very prestigious college, then they don’t need to cheat to pass an exam. He says that the Harvard story makes him realize that many young students have developed a sense of moral relativism where no one is objectively right or wrong and that what is important is what works for each individual.

“ If we look to a college education as simply the road to a job or a series of jobs for which the college student is being trained then it seems to me that you have created that kind of moral relativism that produces what we are witnessing in Harvard,” he said as he explained the point of a college education to the audience.

 He further explained how getting a degree is good for being placed well in society, and being able to achieve more success with getting higher-paid jobs, but he told students he wants them to grow up to be rich, but above all, he wants them to matter.

“ College to me is as important four years as you will ever spend anywhere. It is a critical transition in a young person’s life. It’s a kind of halfway house to life. It’s a time for students away from the oversight of parents, and away from their home community, to find out who they are,” Gibson said.

His talk went on for about 40 minutes, and then Gibson took questions from members of the audience.

One member of the audience asked if he thought people cared about the integrity of the news to which Gibson answered, “Sure.” He said as a society we are gullible and the more a lie is told, the more people believe it.

Gibson concluded his lecture with a last question from a female audience member who asked if he feels that religion plays a role in elections and if he thinks it will play a significant role in future elections.

“We have separation of church and state in this country and that’s a very important thing, but you have to acknowledge that we are a country of deep beliefs and great faith,” he said. “ I don’t want people’s positions to be based on what their religion is, I want it to be based on science.”

Gibson’s early career in news began when he attended Princeton University and worked as the news director for a student-run radio station. Currently retired from ABC Gibson lives in New Jersey with his wife Arlene and his two daughters.  

~ W

I've encountered the "nay-sayers" at EVERY point in my journey thus far.

weruche george | July 22, 2015

You know those that play the role of bashing your every effort or making you feel like you are not doing what THEY think is right for YOUR life. Well, experience has taught me that when you are in the company of such people doing these three things always works:

Keep doing what you're doing

Keep doing what you're doing

Keep. doing. what. you're. doing.

...until you prove them wrong!

Didn't Marianne Williamson say playing small doesn't serve you?

weruche George | July 4, 2015

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our light shine, we unconsciously permit other people to do the same. As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” 

― Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of "A Course in Miracles"

For many years I shrouded my light for fear that people might think I'm too confident and therefore dislike me. I found myself too afraid to do some things because I wondered what other people might think or say. This fear took up my entire life and made me lose a lot of opportunities that came my way— and which, in hindsight might have moved me closer to God's will for my life. So I had no choice but to step away from those limiting self-deprecating tendencies. I learned to AFFIRM my greatness by first, correcting my self-talk and fixing any barriers or obstacles that prevented me from loving myself wholly. Then I practiced affirming my greatness through my actions, words, and thoughts and watched as change happened.

Here are 5 tips that worked for me:


"The human obsession with flight stems from a refusal to accept limitations and an intense desire to find out which of your neighbors secretly have pools!" - 

Day One of flight training with fly g-force: Earning my wings, Flying a piper warrior- May 31, 2013. 

The Golf Trail

Weruche George | Oct. 10, 2011

We were playing the second hole, him a marine who had been to war in Afghanistan (or as he humbly described himself, “a retired marine”) and me a newbie on my day two of taking golf lessons.

 It was the middle of September and the sun was slowly beginning to hide behind the clouds, as a nice cool southern New England breeze graced us with its presence, embracing us. We were prepared. Yesterday was just as cool, so we expected the same and came better equipped. We both had on light sweaters and as we sat in our cart our eyes caught a squirrel and we watched it dart across the green, slip past a small lake, and disappear behind tall trees.

 At the pace we were going, it was beginning to seem impossible that we would make it to the ninth hole. It was 4:30 pm and many of the more experienced golfers had gone ahead of us. Taking shots with them in visibility was a no-no, and while we waited for the last of them to disappear deeper into the golf trail, we just talked. 

Marc had just turned 24 when his unit was sent to war. He said he knew the time would come, and when it finally arrived, he still was not 100% prepared for it. He spent a whole month living in just the clothes he had on his back and whatever little supplies they were lucky enough to get on occasion. One of his buddies got shot by the enemies, and for him “it was a sad loss because we had all grown close on this mission,” he said. He spoke of a time when he came very close to death. He had wandered off by himself and as he approached a nearby wall, it collapsed right in front of him while the enemies tried to shoot. By some stroke of luck, he was able to slide unnoticed behind a tree until his fellow marines were able to rescue him. 

Then I asked him if he got around to using a gun, while on this mission, and he nodded. Then I asked if he "killed people" on this mission, and he then said: “They are terrorists, not people." 

It was with a chilling abruptness that the word “terrorists” escaped his lips.

 We never made it past the fourth hole that evening. For someone who was just learning the mechanics of golf, I felt honored to have made it that far, but more than that I felt lucky to have taken much more from this experience with me. Tomorrow, the instructors will put us all into groups for the tournament, where we get to play nine holes. 

Marc drove us back in the cart, and as he waved goodbye that evening I was grateful that we had been allowed that moment in time filled with memories, on that golf trail together.

World Refugee Day 2011- Stories of a New America

Weruche George | June 24, 2011

New Haven, Conn. – “Stories of a New America” an original work of theatre premiered on Wed, June 22, 2011 at the Luce Hall, in Yale University, New Haven, Conn. It was a play in which refugees from around the world told their stories of resettlement to an audience, through rhetoric and laughter.

“There’s no better way to tell a story, than through drama, with a play”, says Chris George, Director of Integrated and Immigrant Refugee Services, also known as IRIS. George says it has been the mission of IRIS for the past 25 years to resettle refugees and recently, they have begun to help tell their stories.

IRIS is a resettlement agency in New Haven, Conn. and is a program of the Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut. This agency resettles over 200 refugees and victims of persecution each year, and some notable ones are the Sudanese ‘lost boys’, Afghanis, Liberians, Croatians, Bosnians and since 2007 Iraqi refugees. Most of these people fled their countries of origin, due to war and a well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of race, involvement in a particular social group, political opinion, religion, nationality, etc. Resettlement in the United States for some of these people has not been easy, due to various conditions like limited finances, culture shock, language barriers, and a continued fear of persecution.

This year IRIS, with the help of the Collective Consciousness Theatre, New Haven, put together a drama, to mark the Annual World Refugee day which is observed on June 20th each year.

The director of the Collective Consciousness Theatre, Dexter Singleton spoke to the audience saying, “We gathered about 85 interviews from refugees throughout New Haven, some of whom are in this play tonight.” He also said that the role of the Collective Consciousness Theatre is to create original stories about conditions in the community.

The evening progressed as various art-works done by refugees were displayed and people bid for pieces, amidst dancing, food and African drumming. One of the photos on display reads: “Johnny Mikiki Bombenza holds an elephant ivory necklace he carved while still living in the democratic republic of Congo where he was born in 1967. This was the last necklace he carved and it is always found around his neck. Soon after the use and export of elephant ivory was prohibited.”

Resettlement stories of refugees, captured and told through play, art work, song etc. somewhat help bring alive the experiences of this diverse group of people, united by their innate human desire to live and be free. According to William Graustein, lead trustee of the William Caspar Graustein Memorial Fund, and one of the sponsors of this event, “One of the most important values of stories is to increase our capacity to imagine a future that is different.” And he goes on to tell the people in the audience not to be surprised if, “sometime in the middle of the night, or sometime in the next week, some of the stories you hear now start to lay next to stories that you remember, and then start talking to one another.”   

~ W


MAY 28, 2015

 Three years ago, I gained an angel. My dad passed on 02/12/12, and at first, I struggled with understanding the meaning of death.

 I was not fortunate to be as spiritually aware as I am today so the process was very challenging, at first. I started afraid of death, believing that if his body was buried six feet under in my hometown of Oguta, it meant NO MORE. I would cry and be mad at God for taking away the ONLY support system— emotionally, mentally, spiritually, etc.— I had ever had. It was tough. But as the months rolled by and I began to have more and more epiphanies, and I experienced more synchronicities —that I knew were not mere coincidences— I became stronger. I knew for a fact that death is not the end. I stopped using the phrase "he's dead" to refer to my dad. Instead, I started saying "he has passed." 

It was important for me to make sense of this transformation as quickly as possible to retain my sanity. My whole life had been about births, growth but never this. I had observed death very dispassionately, from afar. I had friends who had lost loved ones and I empathized as much as I could, but I came to realize that it was not the same. I found myself going down in grief and fighting to wake up. It felt like I was in a daze and sometimes it felt like I couldn't breathe thinking that I will never hear his voice again. But help came when I prayed. I saw my dad many times in my dream. I spoke with him and I cried with him. I noticed that every time I was about to reach a milestone, he would be there in my dream, cheering me on and that's when I knew: Death is not the end. It is just transformation. The physical body dies and we have to give it up, but the spirit never dies. After all, didn't they say that we are spiritual beings on a human journey?

 I began to see my angel numbers and hear/read phrases that sounded like advice from him, anytime I had questions. Suddenly I stopped being afraid. I became more in tune with this new phase of existence. I felt at peace! I embraced life and I no longer looked at his passing as a bad thing. God has blessed me with an angel and for me I intend to enjoy and celebrate this brand new relationship with him.

 My kids no longer think their mom is crazy when I say my 'good mornings' and 'good afternoons' to my dad. I have a nice picture of him on my fridge and I speak to him and laugh with him ALWAYS. For me my relationship with my dad has not died, instead, it has taken on a whole new life and because of him, I am no longer afraid of death. Instead, I embrace it!


Digital Violence: A Growing Threat to Dissenters in the Age of Social Media 

Sept. 10, 2023

The rise of the digital age has brought with it numerous advantages, such as increased connectivity and access to information. However, it has also given rise to a dark side: digital violence. This form of violence manifests in various ways, from cyberbullying to online harassment, and it is often used as a weapon against individuals with dissenting views. In this article, we will explore the concept of digital violence, its alarming prevalence, and the laws and human rights implications associated with it.

Understanding Digital Violence

Digital violence can be broadly defined as any online behavior that seeks to harm, intimidate, or silence individuals or groups with differing opinions, beliefs, or identities. It takes many forms, including:

1. **Cyberbullying:** Cyberbullying involves using digital platforms to harass, threaten, or spread false information about someone. It can target individuals for their opinions, appearance, or personal characteristics.

2. **Online Harassment:** Online harassment encompasses a range of abusive behaviors, such as doxxing (revealing someone's personal information), non-consensual distribution of explicit content (revenge porn), and incessant trolling with offensive comments.

3. **Cancel Culture:** Cancel culture involves attempting to ruin someone's reputation or career due to a perceived offense or difference in opinion. It often includes social media campaigns to discredit or isolate the target.

4. **Hate Speech:** Hate speech is the use of online platforms to disseminate discriminatory or prejudiced content against individuals or groups based on their race, religion, gender, or other characteristics.

Digital Violence's Targets

One concerning aspect of digital violence is that it frequently targets individuals with dissenting views, especially those who are in the public eye or have a smaller online following. These targets can include activists, journalists, academics, and even ordinary citizens who express opinions that go against prevailing norms or challenge powerful interests.

Laws and Regulations

Governments worldwide have recognized the severity of digital violence and enacted laws and regulations to combat it. While the specifics vary from country to country, many legal measures focus on the following aspects:

1. **Cyberbullying Laws:** Several countries have established laws specifically addressing cyberbullying. These laws typically impose penalties for online harassment, cyberstalking, and related offenses.

2. **Hate Speech Laws:** Many nations have hate speech laws that apply to online as well as offline communication. These laws aim to curb the spread of discriminatory and harmful content.

3. **Privacy Protection Laws:** Laws that protect individuals' online privacy are essential to combat doxxing and non-consensual distribution of explicit content.

4. **Anti-Defamation Laws:** Laws against defamation, including online defamation, are intended to protect individuals' reputations from false statements.

Human Rights Implications

Digital violence has significant human rights implications, as it often infringes upon the following fundamental rights:

1. **Freedom of Expression:** Digital violence can suppress freedom of expression by intimidating individuals into silence or self-censorship for fear of backlash.

2. **Right to Privacy:** Doxxing and non-consensual distribution of explicit content violate individuals' right to privacy and can lead to profound emotional and psychological harm.

3. **Right to Equality and Non-Discrimination:** Hate speech and cancel culture perpetuate discrimination and inequality by targeting individuals based on their characteristics.

4. **Freedom from Torture and Inhumane Treatment:** Prolonged and severe online harassment can amount to psychological torture or inhumane treatment, infringing on this fundamental right.


Digital violence is a pressing issue that affects individuals and society as a whole. It stifles dissent, erodes trust in online spaces, and undermines fundamental human rights. To combat this menace effectively, governments, tech companies, and civil society must work together to enforce existing laws and develop new strategies to protect individuals from the perils of digital violence. In the digital age, the fight for freedom of expression and human dignity extends to the virtual world as well as the physical one.

festac 77

April 21, 2018

I was born during #festac77 ~ the 2nd World Black and African Festival of Arts and Culture in Lagos, Nigeria. I suppose that partly accounts for my connection to music and the arts. (Didn't they say the unborn child hears and sees the world around them? )

I also understand how colors and words and sound and the movement of the body all transform what's normative into patterns, connections, and answers, resembling threads...and then attach meaning. Ultimately this trajectory speaks to and defines our individual culture and becomes the lens through which we form, experience and interpret our individual narratives...

We'll be back! _____________________________________________

#Festac77 #Festac77Baby #Festac77is41 #ournarratives #soulsjourney #artislife #writerslife #RoyalIvoryMaskofBenin #QueenIdia #africanhistory